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Know more about fatty liver.

If you think that is the liver of an alcoholic, you are wrong.

It could be your liver.

This liver is from someone who, like you and me, enjoys food.

It is called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

In medicine, we would have thought it impossible to see a liver like that from anything other than alcoholism or rare diseases.

Not anymore.

Our livers are ending up like that from nothing more than a few too many “treats”.

Our diet is killing us.


How does it happen?

In 4 stages

1. Normal liver.

Over time, our excess calories add up and need to be put somewhere. The liver happens to be one of these places. So, some of that fat gets loaded into our liver cells.

2. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

With a combination of poor activity and excessive indulgence, the fat we pile away into our liver cells overwhelms them. Many liver cells explode from too much fat storage. This causes inflammation and cell damage all throughout the organ.

3. Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)

You read that correctly - hepatitis. Overindulging in food can really cause hepatitis. This is when your liver scars and accumulate permanent damage.

4. Cirrhosis

Game over. If you don’t get a new liver, you are going to die. Most of your liver cells are slowly being replaced by useless scar tissue. Soon it won’t work.

This doesn’t happen overnight.

It can take 40–60 years to progress to Cirrhosis.

While it might seem far off, a death sentence isn’t the only deterrent.

As your liver slowly dies, your quality of life drops with it.

  • Fatigue

  • Nausea

  • Chronic pain

  • Lethargy

  • Mental confusion

  • Weakness

  • Mood changes

  • Depression

These are just some common symptoms accompanying a dying liver.

One of the greatest regrets disclosed before death…

“I wish I took better care of my body.”


Health and diet are a huge topic.

To get you started, here are the best things you can do - It’s likely you already know them.

Quick Tips

  • Eat more vegetables.

  • Move more often throughout the day.

  • Remove sugary beverages.

  • Get at least 1g protein per 1kg bodyweight. More if you exercise (up to 0.8g/lb)

  • Eat a variety of foods.

  • Take a quality multivitamin (getting all our nutrients through diet alone is extremely difficult. Food is always the superior source, though.)

  • Lift weights and cardio. Both are equally important.

  • Control stress / plan for stress eating.

  • Avoid temptation - remove these from your house.

  • Develop eating habits - create a habit and the work is done.

  • If you are just beginning, consider keeping a food diary.

  • Create a consistent eating routine.

  • Start slow.

  • Focus on eating healthy rather than losing weight. If you’re eating healthy, don’t be afraid to have additional helpings, especially when just beginning.

  • Diets don’t work. Think long term. Losing weight should be a bonus, not the chief aim. Improving your health should be the goal.

That should be a good place to start.

By the way, that’s a healthy liver below.


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