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How much do you know about fatty liver?

Wellness Lab

You might have a shot at reversing that fatty liver you don't even realize you have. The fatty liver contributing to insulin resistance, a precursor of diabetes?

Sugar is 50% fructose, and fructose can't be burned like glucose. It ends up as fat in the liver to be converted into glucose at a later date.

Here's what non-alcoholic fatty liver looks like.

Yeah, it's not a pretty sight there. Table sugar does that, and high fructose corn syrup is even worse.

A high sugar diet leads to fatty liver, chronic inflammation which drives heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, and more, and it's a major factor in obesity.

But when you give up sugar, remember this: you should also give up ultra-processed food, which is responsible for 90% of the sugar in most of our diet. And don't replace the sugar with artificial sweeteners. They also cause insulin resistance.

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